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During Love Your Body Week, we invite instructors to take time out of every class to intentionally foster body positivity with carefully planned activities using the prompts provided below. NHSDA host dance programs are encouraged to allow each of these exercises to culminate with the drawing or writing of a positive statement to be posted on the mirror, so that by the end of the week the mirror is completely covered in messages of self-love.
Take a moment to introduce this important event and explain why we are taking class time to focus on it. The following is an example of one way to frame it: For kids: This week is love your body week! It’s a special week where we take time during class to talk about all of the awesome things that our bodies can do. Why do you think that LYBW is important (students can answer, teachers can answer, Honor Club members can answer)? That’s right, there are lots of reasons why it’s good to love our bodies. When we love something, we treat it with respect and take care of it.
Activities for Young Children
Activities for Dancers 7+ For pre-teens and teens: This week is Love Your Body Week! The goal of this week is to help us to create an environment that is supportive and accepting of all bodies and dancers. We encourage our dancers of all ages to appreciate their bodies and to help us create a culture of kindness. We’ll take time out of class today to honor all of the amazing things our bodies can do. Talking about body image can be challenging. We invite you to check in with yourself and take extra care of yourself this week.
Activities for Pre-Teens
Activities for Teens
Movement Activities