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NDEO and the NHSDA remain committed to ensuring that outstanding dance students are recognized for their artistic merit, leadership, and academic achievement.
On June 6th, we invite them, and you as their Chapter Sponsors, to post pictures of your NHSDA inductees on social media with their certificates or cords /pins / medallions and tag NDEO and NHSDA with the hashtag #NHSDA2024Dance
This year we inducted over 5,800 students into the National Honor Society for Dance Arts (NHSDA). This slideshow features 300+ of our 3,770+ inducted Graduating Seniors from high school and college.
The NHSDA Senior Slideshow is an opportunity that NDEO has developed to help recognize outstanding dance students who are seniors in high school or college and have been inducted into the NHSDA or have been inducted and received Graduation with Honors.
Students who submitted their information before the deadline are included in this 2024 NHSDA Senior Slideshow. This NHSDA Senior Slideshow features their picture along with their name and the name of their school/chapter.