2025 Webinar Proposals
Please use this form to share your ideas for an NDEO webinar. If this form is not accessible to you, please email the answers to these questions to kschultz@ndeo.org
The following questions will be asked within this form.
- Title of proposed webinar
- Please provide a 150 word biography of the submitting presenter. (NDEO will collect additional bios upon acceptance/scheduling)
- Please provide a detailed description of what will be covered in the webinar (this will be use for marketing purposes if your webinar is accepted)
- Who is the intended audience for this webinar? (Select all that apply)
- K-12
Private Dance Studio
Higher Education
Early Childhood
Dance and Disability
Performing Arts Organizations
Teaching Artists
- Which of the following best describes the theme of the proposed webinar? (Select up to 2)
Advocacy and Policy
Dance History
Dance and Equity
Leadership and Administration
Standards and Assessment
Technology in Dance Education
Dance and Disability
Other (please explain)
- If you selected "other" to the previous question please indicate the theme of the proposed webinar
- How will the information presented in the webinar benefit NDEO members?
- Will you be presenting this webinar with additional panelists?
- If yes, please list the name(s) of any additional panelists and their member status. All of their bios will need to be collected by the main contact presenter and sent to kschultz@ndeo.org if approved.
- Please indicate your scheduling preference(s) (i.e Dec 1, 2024 at 7:30 pm). You may include multiple options for consideration.
- Are there any access needs that you have as a presenter?
You've already submitted a response to this survey.
This survey is now closed.